Desk Spinners

Desk spinners, commonly known as fidget spinners, gained popularity as small handheld gadgets designed for fidgeting and sensory stimulation. While initially marketed as tools to improve focus and alleviate stress or anxiety, especially among children with ADHD, their effectiveness in addressing ADHD symptoms remains debated.

For some children with ADHD, using desk spinners might offer sensory stimulation or a means of channeling excess energy, potentially helping to reduce restlessness or improve focus in certain situations. However, their impact on attention and concentration varies among individuals. Here are considerations regarding desk spinners and ADHD:

  1. Sensory Stimulation: Some children with ADHD benefit from sensory input to maintain focus or manage hyperactivity. Desk spinners can provide a sensory outlet, offering tactile stimulation and a repetitive motion that may help some individuals concentrate better during certain activities.
  2. Potential Distraction: While desk spinners may assist some children in directing excess energy, they might be distracting for others. The spinning motion and visual appeal could draw attention away from the primary task, especially if overused or not used purposefully.
  3. Individual Preferences: Responses to fidget tools like desk spinners are highly individualized. Some children may find them helpful in regulating their focus, while others might not experience any significant benefit or might even find them disruptive.
  4. Effectiveness and Research: Scientific evidence on the efficacy of desk spinners specifically for ADHD symptoms is limited. Research on the impact of fidget tools like spinners on attention and concentration in academic settings has produced mixed results, with some studies suggesting minimal benefits.
  5. Consideration of Classroom Settings: In educational settings, the use of desk spinners may vary based on school policies or teacher preferences. Some teachers may allow their use as long as they don’t disrupt the classroom environment or impede learning for other students.

It’s crucial to note that while desk spinners or fidget tools may work for some children with ADHD as part of a personalized strategy to manage symptoms, they are not a one-size-fits-all solution. Other strategies, such as frequent breaks, movement breaks, seating adaptations, or individualized accommodations, might be more effective for certain individuals.Parents and educators should consider a variety of approaches and accommodations tailored to the specific needs and preferences of each child with ADHD. Consulting with healthcare professionals, occupational therapists, or educators experienced in ADHD can help identify suitable interventions or tools to support children with ADHD in managing their symptoms effectively.

The runners agreed to respond to a monthly online questionnaire that detailed injuries over two years. With the results in, researchers first examined reports from the 144 who experienced a mild injury and the 105 who didn’t, finding little difference between the two large groups.


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